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Contribution Invited

Call for Contributions

Huafeng is soliciting contributions

You can write your own poems and your feelings about Chinese culture, and campus culture and American culture.

There are some notes for the solicit contributions.


    Note 1: Manuscripts cannot include religious, political, violent and sexual.

    Note 2: Manuscripts should be refine and contain accurate content and data. The word count requirement is between 800-2000 words. There will be consequences for plagiarism.

    Note 3: Manuscripts can come from the Internet or other domestic friends, but you must obtain their consent, and when you hand in your manuscript, you should clearly specify the name of the author.


The requirements for media:

Digital illustrations can be submitted in PSD or JPG format. If you submit hand-drawn material, it must be the original copy. All works should be submitted to huafeng@uoregon,edu.

Hope you can join us. We want you and we need you!







        书籍及电影观后感,中国民俗民风,美国流行文化,生活随笔,留学感悟,校园资讯,原创诗歌,游记,数码相机或单反相机照的高清相片,数码插图(支持psd,jpg 等格式)手绘插画原图或者高清复印件。








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